Modern Physics by Sehgal Chopra Sehgal PDF Zip: A Comprehensive and Updated Textbook for Undergraduate Students
Modern Physics by Sehgal Chopra Sehgal PDF Download Zip
Modern physics is one of the most fascinating and challenging fields of science that deals with the nature and behavior of matter and energy at the atomic and subatomic levels. It encompasses a wide range of topics such as relativity, quantum mechanics, nuclear physics, particle physics, cosmology, etc. that have revolutionized our understanding of the physical world and led to many discoveries and inventions that have shaped our modern civilization.
Modern Physics By Sehgal Chopra Sehgal Pdf Download Zip
If you are interested in learning more about modern physics or want to refresh your knowledge on this subject, you might want to check out a book called Modern Physics by D.L. Sehgal, K.L. Chopra and N.K. Sehgal. This book is a comprehensive and updated textbook that covers all the major aspects of modern physics in a clear and concise manner. It is written by three eminent physicists who have decades of experience in teaching and research in this field.
In this article, we will give you an overview of modern physics, introduce you to the authors of Modern Physics, describe the main features and benefits of their book, and show you how you can download the PDF version of their book in a zip file.
Modern Physics: A Brief Overview
Modern physics is a term that refers to the branch of physics that developed in the early 20th century and beyond, as a result of the limitations and inconsistencies of classical physics. Classical physics, which is based on the laws of Newton, Maxwell, and others, works well for describing the phenomena of mechanics, electromagnetism, thermodynamics, etc. at the macroscopic level. However, it fails to explain the phenomena that occur at the microscopic level, such as the structure and behavior of atoms, molecules, nuclei, electrons, photons, etc.
Modern physics emerged as a response to these challenges and introduced new concepts and theories that could account for the observed phenomena at the microscopic level. Some of the key concepts and discoveries in modern physics are:
Relativity: This is a theory that describes how space and time are relative to the observer and how they are affected by motion and gravity. It consists of two parts: special relativity and general relativity. Special relativity deals with the effects of motion at high speeds, such as time dilation, length contraction, mass-energy equivalence, etc. General relativity deals with the effects of gravity on space and time, such as gravitational redshift, gravitational lensing, gravitational waves, etc.
Quantum mechanics: This is a theory that describes how matter and energy behave at the atomic and subatomic levels. It introduces the concepts of wave-particle duality, uncertainty principle, superposition principle, entanglement, etc. It also explains the phenomena of atomic spectra, photoelectric effect, Compton effect, tunneling effect, etc.
Nuclear physics: This is a branch of physics that studies the structure and properties of atomic nuclei and their interactions. It explains the phenomena of nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, nuclear decay, nuclear reactions, etc. It also provides the basis for nuclear energy, nuclear weapons, nuclear medicine, etc.
Particle physics: This is a branch of physics that studies the elementary particles that make up matter and their interactions. It identifies the fundamental particles such as quarks, leptons, bosons, etc. and their properties such as mass, charge, spin, etc. It also describes the four fundamental forces that govern their interactions: strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, electromagnetic force and gravitational force.
Cosmology: This is a branch of physics that studies the origin, structure and evolution of the universe as a whole. It investigates the phenomena of the big bang theory, cosmic inflation, cosmic microwave background radiation, dark matter, dark energy, etc. It also explores the questions of the fate and future of the universe.
Modern physics has many applications and implications for science, technology and society. Some of the examples are:
Laser: This is a device that produces a coherent beam of light with high intensity and low divergence. It is based on the principle of stimulated emission of radiation by atoms or molecules. It has many uses in fields such as communication, medicine, industry, military, etc.
GPS: This is a system that uses satellites to provide accurate location and time information to users on Earth. It relies on the principles of special relativity and general relativity to correct for the effects of motion and gravity on the clocks and signals of the satellites.
MRI: This is a technique that uses magnetic fields to produce images of the internal structures of the body. It is based on the principle of nuclear magnetic resonance by nuclei in a magnetic field. It has many applications in medical diagnosis and research.
CERN: This is a European organization that operates the world's largest particle accelerator called the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). It is used to study the properties and interactions of elementary particles at high energies. It has made many discoveries such as the Higgs boson in 2012.
Hawking radiation: This is a theoretical prediction by Stephen Hawking that black holes emit radiation due to quantum effects near their event horizons. It implies that black holes are not completely black but have a finite temperature and entropy. It also suggests that black holes can eventually evaporate over time.
Sehgal Chopra Sehgal: The Authors of Modern Physics
The authors of Modern Physics are D.L. Sehgal, K.L. Chopra and N.K. Sehgal. They are three eminent physicists who have decades of experience in teaching and research in this field. They are also co-authors of several other textbooks for undergraduate, senior school and secondary school students.
D.L. Sehgal is a retired Associate Professor (Reader) in Physics who taught Physics to undergraduate students at Hans Raj College, University of Delhi for nearly 40 years. He is the co-author of a number of textbooks for undergraduate, senior school and secondary school students.
K.L. Chopra is a retired Associate Professor in Physics who taught Physics to undergraduate students at Hans Raj College, University of Delhi for more than 42 years. He is the winner of \"Dr. K.S. Krishnan Gold Medal\" of Delhi University in 1967 for M.Sc. (Physics). He is also first class first in B.Sc. (Hons.) Physics examination of Delhi University in 1965. He has been a highly respected teacher, throughout his career. He has been a \"resource person\" for teacher training and other academic work of several esteemed organizations. He is also the co-author of a number of textbooks for undergraduate, senior secondary and secondary school students.
N.K. Sehgal is a retired Associate Professor in Physics who taught Physics to undergraduate students at Hans Raj College, University of Delhi for nearly 44 years. He is a first class first in M.Sc. (Physics ) and is a winner of \"Dr. K.S. Krishnan Gold Medal\". He is the co-author of a number of textbooks for undergraduate, senior secondary and secondary school students. He has been a \"resource person\" for teacher training and other academic work of several esteemed organizations.
Modern Physics: The Book
Modern Physics by Sehgal Chopra Sehgal is a comprehensive and updated textbook that covers all the major aspects of modern physics in a clear and concise manner. It is designed to meet the needs and expectations of undergraduate students who want to learn the fundamentals and applications of modern physics.
The book has the following main features and benefits:
Content: The book covers all the topics that are prescribed in the syllabus of modern physics courses offered by various universities and colleges in India and abroad. It includes chapters on relativity, quantum mechanics, atomic physics, molecular physics, nuclear physics, particle physics, solid state physics, semiconductor physics, superconductivity, nanotechnology, etc.
Quality: The book is written by three eminent physicists who have decades of experience in teaching and research in modern physics. They have used their expertise and insights to present the concepts and principles of modern physics in a lucid and logical manner. They have also incorporated the latest developments and trends in modern physics into their book.
Clarity: The book uses simple and precise language to explain the complex and abstract ideas of modern physics. It avoids unnecessary mathematical details and derivations that might confuse or bore the readers. It focuses on the physical meaning and interpretation of the equations and formulas rather than their mathematical manipulation.
Accuracy: The book is based on reliable and authentic sources of information and data. It follows the standard conventions and notations used in modern physics literature. It also provides accurate numerical values and units for physical quantities and constants.
Comprehensiveness: The book provides a complete and thorough coverage of modern physics topics. It does not omit or skip any important or relevant topic or subtopic that might be essential for understanding modern physics. It also provides sufficient depth and detail for each topic without compromising on the breadth and scope of the book.
The book is organized and structured into 18 chapters and 6 appendices as follows:
Introduction to Modern Physics
1.1 Classical Physics1.2 Modern Physics1.3 Planck's Quantum Theory1.4 Photoelectric Effect1.5 Compton Effect1.6 X-rays1.7 Problems
The Special Theory of Relativity
2.1 Introduction2.2 Michelson-Morley Experiment2.3 Postulates of Special Relativity2.4 Lorentz Transformation Equations2.5 Consequences of Special Relativity2.6 Mass-Energy Equivalence2.7 Problems
The General Theory of Relativity
3.1 Introduction3.2 Principle of Equivalence3.3 Gravitational Redshift3.4 Bending of Light by Gravity3.5 Gravitational Lensing3.6 Gravitational Waves3.7 Problems
Quantum Mechanics
4.1 Introduction4.2 Wave-Particle Duality4.3 De Broglie Hypothesis4.4 Davisson-Germer Experiment4.5 Uncertainty Principle4.6 Schrodinger Equation4.7 Problems
Atomic Physics
5.1 Introduction5.2 Rutherford Model of Atom5.3 Bohr Model of Atom5.4 Atomic Spectra5.5 Quantum Numbers5.6 Pauli Exclusion Principle5.7 Problems
Molecular Physics
6.1 Introduction6.2 Molecular Bonding6.3 Molecular Spectra6.4 Molecular Orbital Theory6.5 Problems
Nuclear Physics
7.1 Introduction7.2 Nuclear Structure7.3 Nuclear Stability7.4 Nuclear Binding Energy7.5 Nuclear Fission7.6 Nuclear Fusion7.7 Problems
Particle Physics
8.1 Introduction8.2 Elementary Particles8.3 Fundamental Forces8.4 Particle Accelerators and Detectors8.5 Standard Model of Particle Physics8.6 Problems
Solid State Physics
9.1 Introduction9.2 Crystal Structure9.3 Lattice Vibrations and Phonons9.4 Free Electron Theory of Metals9.5 Band Theory of Solids9.6 Problems
Semiconductor Physics
10.1 Introduction10.2 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors10.3 Carrier Concentration and Conductivity10.4 PN Junction and Diode10.5 Bipolar Junction Transistor10.6 Problems
11.1 Introduction11.2 Meissner Effect and Critical Parameters11.3 Type I and Type II Superconductors11.4 BCS Theory of Superconductivity11.5 High Temperature Superconductors11.6 Problems
12.1 Introduction12.2 Nanomaterials and Nanoscale Phenomena12.3 Synthesis and Characterization of Nanomaterials12.4 Applications of Nanotechnology12.5 Challenges and Risks of Nanotechnology12.6 Problems
Numerical Methods in Physics
A1.1 Numerical Integration and DifferentiationA1.2 Numerical Solution of Differential EquationsA1.3 Numerical Solution of Eigenvalue Problems
Error Analysis in Physics
A2.1 Types and Sources of ErrorsA2.2 Propagation of ErrorsA2.3 Statistical Analysis of Errors
Fundamental Constants and Units in Physics
A3.1 SI Units and PrefixesA3.2 Dimensional Analysis and Dimensionless QuantitiesA3.3 Fundamental Physical Constants and Their Values
Frequently Used Mathematical Formulas in Physics
A4.1 Trigonometric Identities and FunctionsA4.2 Exponential and Logarithmic FunctionsA4.3 Complex Numbers and OperationsA4.4 Vectors and Matrices and OperationsA4.5 Calculus Formulas and Theorems 71b2f0854b