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Israel Belyaev
Israel Belyaev

Contoh Sk Pembimbing Olimpiade Sains

# Contoh Sk Pembimbing Olimpiade Sains: A Guide for Teachers and Students

If you are a teacher or a student who is interested in participating in the Science Olympiad, you may have heard of the term Contoh Sk Pembimbing Olimpiade Sains. But what is it and why do you need it? In this article, we will explain what Contoh Sk Pembimbing Olimpiade Sains is, how to write it, and what benefits it can bring to you and your school.

## What is Contoh Sk Pembimbing Olimpiade Sains?

Contoh Sk Pembimbing Olimpiade Sains is a document that contains the following information:

- The name and address of the school that organizes the Science Olympiad training and selection

- The name and position of the head of the school

- The name and position of the teacher who is in charge of the Science Olympiad program

- The name and grade of the students who are selected to join the Science Olympiad training and selection

- The subject and level of the Science Olympiad that the students will participate in

- The schedule and venue of the Science Olympiad training and selection

- The objectives and expected outcomes of the Science Olympiad training and selection

Contoh Sk Pembimbing Olimpiade Sains is usually issued by the head of the school as a formal authorization for the teacher and the students to conduct the Science Olympiad activities. It also serves as a proof of participation and achievement for the students who are involved in the Science Olympiad.

## How to write Contoh Sk Pembimbing Olimpiade Sains?

To write Contoh Sk Pembimbing Olimpiade Sains, you need to follow these steps:

1. Gather all the necessary information about your school, teacher, and students who are involved in the Science Olympiad program.

2. Use a standard format for writing a Surat Keputusan (SK), which is a type of official letter in Indonesia. You can find some examples of SK online or use a template from your school.

3. Start with a header that includes the name and logo of your school, the number and date of the SK, and the subject of the SK.

4. Write an introduction that states the name and position of the head of the school, followed by a preamble that explains the background and rationale of issuing the SK.

5. Write a body that consists of several points that specify the details of the SK, such as the name and position of the teacher in charge, the name and grade of the students selected, the subject and level of the Science Olympiad, and the schedule and venue of the training and selection.

6. Write a closing that states the validity period of the SK, followed by a signature line that includes the name, position, and stamp of the head of the school.

Here is an example of Contoh Sk Pembimbing Olimpiade Sains based on these steps:



Jalan Sudirman No. 1 Jakarta Pusat

Telp. (021) 1234567



Nomor: 123/OSN/SMP/2023



Kepala Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 1 Jakarta,


a. Bahwa dalam rangka meningkatkan prestasi siswa di bidang sains, perlu dilakukan bimbingan dan seleksi untuk mengikuti Olimpiade Sains Nasional (OSN) tahun 2023;

b. Bahwa untuk melaksanakan bimbingan dan seleksi OSN tersebut, perlu ditunjuk guru pembimbing dan peserta bimbingan yang berkompeten dan berprestasi;

c. Bahwa berdasarkan hasil rapat panitia OSN SMP Negeri 1 Jakarta tanggal 1 Mei 2023, telah ditetapkan nama-nama guru pembimbing dan peserta bimbingan OSN tahun pelajaran 2022/2023;


a. Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional;

b. Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 12 Tahun 2019 tentang Penyelenggaraan OSN;

c. Surat Edaran Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah Nomor 1234/SE/DJ/2023 tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan OSN Tahun 2023;



Pertama: Menunjuk Bapak/Ibu ... sebagai guru pembimbing OSN bidang ... tingkat SMP tahun pelajaran 2022/2023;

Kedua: Menetapkan nama-nama siswa sebagai peserta bimbingan OSN bidang ... tingkat SMP tahun pelajaran 2022/2023 sebagai berikut:

No Nama Kelas

--- --- ---

1 ... ...

2 ... ...

3 ... ...

Ketiga: Bimbingan dan seleksi OSN bidang ... tingkat SMP tahun pelajaran 2022/2023 akan dilaksanakan pada:

Hari/Tanggal Waktu Tempat

--- --- ---

... ... ...

Keempat: Guru pembimbing dan peserta bimbingan OSN bidang ... tingkat SMP tahun pelajaran 2022/2023 wajib melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawab sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku;

Kelima: Surat Keputusan ini berlaku sejak tanggal ditetapkan dan dapat diubah atau dicabut apabila terdapat kekeliruan atau perubahan kebijakan.

Ditetapkan di Jakarta

Pada tanggal ...

Kepala Sekolah,


Nama Lengkap

NIP ...


Contoh Sk Pembimbing Olimpiade Sains

Download File:

## What are the benefits of Contoh Sk Pembimbing Olimpiade Sains?

Contoh Sk Pembimbing Olimpiade Sains has many benefits for both teachers and students who are involved in the Science Olympiad program. Some of the benefits are:

- It gives official recognition and support to the teacher and the students who dedicate their time and effort to prepare for the Science Olympiad.

- It helps the teacher and the students to plan and organize their activities and resources for the Science Olympiad training and selection.

- It motivates the students to study harder and deeper in their chosen subject and level of the Science Olympiad.

- It enhances the students' skills and knowledge in various areas of science, such as logical thinking, problem-solving, experimental design, data analysis, and more.

- It exposes the students to national and international competitions that can challenge them and inspire them to pursue science further.

- It provides the students with opportunities to meet and interact with other students and experts who share their passion and interest in science.

- It boosts the students' confidence and self-esteem as they achieve their goals and receive recognition for their achievements.

Contoh Sk Pembimbing Olimpiade Sains is a valuable document that can help teachers and students to succeed in the Science Olympiad program. By writing Contoh Sk Pembimbing Olimpiade Sains, you can show your commitment and enthusiasm for science and enjoy the benefits that come with it.

# Conclusion

Contoh Sk Pembimbing Olimpiade Sains is a document that contains the essential information about the Science Olympiad program at your school. It is issued by the head of the school as a formal authorization for the teacher and the students who are involved in the Science Olympiad activities. Writing Contoh Sk Pembimbing Olimpiade Sains can help you to plan and organize your Science Olympiad training and selection, as well as to enjoy the many benefits that come with participating in the Science Olympiad program. Contoh Sk Pembimbing Olimpiade Sains can also serve as a proof of participation and achievement for the students who excel in the Science Olympiad. By following the steps and examples given in this article, you can write Contoh Sk Pembimbing Olimpiade Sains easily and effectively. We hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us. Thank you for reading and good luck with your Science Olympiad journey! d282676c82


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